Spring Show, Digital Edition

Where there’s a will there’s a way.

Difficult times call for new ways of doing things, and adjusting to what is available. Fiber artists are a resilient and innovative group that are great at adapting and thinking along new lines. So when our Spring Show had to be cancelled due to current events and our need to distance from each other, we were initially sad and disappointed but immediately began thinking of a new way to showcase the gorgeous items that had been submitted.

The entry process for the ABQ Fiber Arts Council Spring Show requires submission of photos for each item entered, since it is a juried show. This put us in a good position to host an online show on our newly designed website, featuring the submission photos. As you can imagine, it was a little tricky getting the photos arranged to look their best in a photo gallery when they would really be best admired in person. But needs must, and so we have done the best we can to highlight the works of all the talented artists who submitted their work to the show.

We hope you will enjoy this virtual show! Thank you to all the artists who made submissions, and to everyone for your continued support of the ABQ Fiber Arts Council.

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